Monday, September 8, 2008

insomnia makes for long days and long nights (and a very tired baby)

last night i couldn't sleep. neither could crystal. we all went to bed at about ten... and just lay there. i even took two benadryl, but that didn't touch me. then finley started crying, she couldn't sleep either. it was all quite odd that we all three felt so wide awake. there were some sweet moments with her cuddled up between us in bed, the three of us trying desperately to fall asleep. and we shared some great family time at 1:30 in the morning with finley sitting on the kitchen counter, crystal feeding her yogurt, and me giving her chocolate milk to drink from a straw. but by 2:30 am we couldn't take it anymore. we left finley in her bed to cry it out (and it took a lot of crying). the last time i remember looking at the clock it was 3:14. and then i had to be up at 6:00 this morning. it was a long long long day, and i had quite a hard time concentrating. i am quite excited to fall asleep tonight!


LarryD said...

I hope you sleep well tonight!

Anonymous said...

i read your post right before i went to bed . . . and then woke up at 2am craving chocolate milk!