Friday, October 10, 2008

this has been an absolutely crazy week.
  • on tuesday it rained 4.68 inches, i took finley to the doctor cause she had a rash (from a virus, no big deal), we looked at a house, we made an offer on that house
  • on wednesday it rained another inch, i studied for 6 straight hours in the library, our offer on the house was accepted (at 5,000 below list price)
  • on thursday Crystal had her first state evaluation and I had my first midterm exam, i made a pizza (actually rolled out the dough, poured the sauce, put on the cheese, cooked it up) for finley cause she wanted pizza. she ate three bites of it and then said it was yucky and demanded yogurt, i cooked catfish for Crystal and me, and it was so very good
  • today i had my second midterm exam, i have a review session for my next midterm exam (that's on monday), adelia is coming to town for the long weekend to visit, i have to go clean, i also need to go inform Appling Lakes Staff that we will be moving out

i've had some neat observations this week

  • one morning this week i put a pretty green shirt on Finn and i asked her, "what color is this shirt?" of course she said "pink!" no... "yellow?" no... i told her it was "mommy's favorite color! what's mommy's favorite color?" and she proudly exclaimed "CHOCOLATE!"
  • on thursday morning (the morning of her state evaluation), at 4:44 am crystal sat straight up in bed, grabbed my leg, and said "why are we just laying here?!?! shouldn't we be awake?" i told her we were laying there because we were sleeping. she has no memory of this.
  • there are the elephants upstairs. i didn't think it was possible, but they are even more nosiy than the last elephants! they don't come home until 10:30 at night, i think there are at least three kids, our walls literally rattle nonstop until around 12:30 am. i went upstairs and told them how thin the floors were, and how loud it was. it made no difference at all.
  • on wedneday morning there was a giant roach that had crawled into the measuring cup that i use to heat water to make coffee each morning. he couldn't get out. i hate bugs.
time to go to the review session. is it christmas yet?


Finleys Nana said...

I can't wait till Christmas break...

Ashley and Josh said...

this post made me laugh, thanks i needed that! we miss you guys!