Sunday, March 8, 2009

blackbeard's ghost

it's over.

it's fun to see how much art is in this shot. the theater, the acting, the emotion, the make-up, the lighting, the photography...

i got to play "photographer" for the two performance nights. it was a ton of fun. my ideal job in life would consist of three or four days a week in the pharmacy and the rest of my time would be spent in photography.

1 comment:

Finleys Nana said...

very cool picture.... that would be a great week for you ... plus I would love to see your pictures... I know Crystal worked very hard with the play and I am so very proud of her,(I know it's long, and if you need to do something else before finishing it, that would be ok.)lol
but I also know that you were behind her all the way helping where ever you could! you are awesome too.... thanks for doing everything that I can't do anymore.... love you...