Thursday, March 27, 2008


so i've got a date for surgery. may 12. i am having a nose job. lipo on my nose actually (the inside of it, i don't think i have a fat nose), and having my septum (the bone between your two nostrils) removed and reset, and my tonsils removed. the whole thing should take about an hour. the recovery could be pretty rough. milkshakes?!? but maybe i'll sleep better, and won't snore, and won't be so sleepy all the time, and actually be able to breathe and not always have a stopped up or runny nose and some other great things. who knows. either way, i'm done with this silly Organic Chemistry class in a month, then it's my last summer of freedom before pharmacy school! (oh and i got an interview with Mercer COPh in Atlanta. I doubt if I'll go, since I have already held my place in Memphis, it's just more vindication. sweet) Off to Memphis for the weekend, hope we don't get lost!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I know your wife.... she will have maps and everything.... and plan on getting lost at least once.. you just haveta.... Im glad your getting your nose done...