Friday, October 31, 2008


abandoned, originally uploaded by andyrobe.

i got some boxes packed today. there is a van full of stuff parked outside our house. we are going to get a uhaul in the morning. i'm sleepy. oh yeah... we have a HOUSE! it's perfect. we've seen some before and after photos provided by the guy who is selling it... it's absolutely incredible. i'm excited. but sleepy.

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thank you Credit Crunch!

it wasn't that bad. there was a lot of work (a lot of picky picky work) but there were no flying bowling balls. and thankfully now we have a house! this commercial is so funny and terribly ironic in a terrible way.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

NO Ham -- burgers (YET)

it's tuesday right. that means tomorrow is wednesday. i made finley a cd of classic disney songs to listen to in the car. it starts with winnie the pooh and progresses through cinderella, little mermaid, jungle book, alice in wonderland, dumbo and a few other random songs. she absolutely loves it. i haven't seen her that excited in a long time, not even for ice-cream. we saw our house again today, loved it, met the seller/remodeler. i got four shots and had blood work done this morning. it cost lots of monies and my arm is quite sore now. it's supposed to be warmer here tomorrow. we have had to turn the heat on here in the apartment because there is such a terrible draft coming in around the front door and the windows (finley's room stays about ten degrees colder than the other rooms) that it has been painfully cold in here... especially when it gets down in the 30s at night. blah. thank goodness we are outta here. brian found this...

you should really look at it again (or for the first time...) oh to be in middle school again... (or not :) )

Monday, October 27, 2008

since i have no record of immunizations in my life, and since i am a student at a college of health sciences, and since it is required by law... i have to receive a truckload of shots tomorrow morning. if i don't pass out afterwards i have class all day then we do our final walk through at the house.

the Delta Queen is making her final journey down the mississippi this week. they will stop in memphis to let off the last passengers and to through huge party. that would be neat to see.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

third post today. don't be mad. i just have to say...

Why is there High Fructose Corn Syrup in EVERYTHING!??!!?!? Today at the store I read the labels on everything in an attempt to avoid obesity and death. I nearly had a panic attack. It's in bread, it's in yogurt (even low fat), it's in chips, it's in canned fruit, it's in meat, it's in chili, it's not however, in light mayonnaise. what would it take to get HFCS removed from the market? i bet there would be a lot of angry corn farmers in the midwest.

my october photos

click this link to go to my facebook photo album. these are some of my favorite yet. feel free to comment.
this has been a great weekend. we've had such wonderful family time. but we can't seem to get motivated to clean and pack. we are so ready to be out of this place for so so so many reasons. it's just that moving is such a stressful, traumatic thing to deal with. i wish we could just snap our fingers and have our stuff moved. at least we have help coming this weekend. i've had a nasty cold this weekend, and finley has it too. friday night (at 2:45 in the morning) i was awoken by the people in the apartment next to us having sex. it was loud enough to wake me up, and it lasted quite a while. i absolutely could not believe what i was hearing! then on saturday morning finley came running out of the kitchen saying "bug, yucky bug daddy! big yucky bug." there was a ginormous spider crawling across the kitchen floor that i had to smash with a container of monster trail mix. it also sounds like it's raining every night because of the water leaking out of the pipes upstairs. nothing has come through yet, but it is clearly hitting the ceiling above us, and it's really annoying. anyway. we are so ready to get out of here. we just don't want to pack. that's all

Thursday, October 23, 2008


today was quite a rainy day. it was never a hard rain, just steady, and cold. it's supposed to be much cooler tomorrow. i don't know that fall is all here quite yet, but it is very nice to have this type of weather. i had some wonderful gumbo for lunch and then got a few shots in during the rest of my break between classes. memphis is indeed an interesting town. i see so many pictures that i would love to capture but i am honestly too afraid for my well-being. this week in school we have discussed arrhythmias, cialis, plan B emergency contraception, drug-reps, dead rotten cows, asthma, booze, high fructose corn syrup (responsible for diabetes, congestive heart failure, obesity, high blood pressure, depression, and death among other things), hump-back whales, infant mortality rates (memphis has the highest rate in the country. out of every 1,000 live births in memphis, 31 will die in their first year. that's worse than the country of Iran or Honduras or the Philippines or Vietnam or Russia or Kuwait or Cuba to name a few.) that is so sad. memphis is also number one in the country in obesity.

anyway... we will have a house in a week. so that's super neat!

Monday, October 20, 2008


i didn't do this photo. i just found it. but i really like it for many obvious reasons.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


this weekend was great. mom and dad came to visit from elizabethton and we had so much fun.

Friday, October 17, 2008

memphis on madison

it's the weekend. but i feel like it's been the weekend for a few days now. it's fall break and it seems like it's been a month since i've been in school. i got my hair cut today, it was long overdue. my parents are coming to visit this weekend! hooray for family. hooray for visitors. i passed all my midterm exams and i am quite excited about that. we went to see the grizzlies play last monday. it did two things to me: made me want to go back and watch another game, and made me want to go hang out on beale street. who knew. alright, back to cleaning, 'rents should be here soon.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

this one's for teddy, kristen, and baby eliza. do recognize it? i miss the mountains a lot.

my brain is fried from this week of tests. but i'm almost on fall break.

check out my dad's blog, he has such a passion for writing. look at it...

i can't get over how good the new streets album is. seriously... this is my favorite music video.

Friday, October 10, 2008

the streets (the escapist)

this might be the best music video i have ever seen.  brilliant, i think.

Embedded Video

Blogged with the Flock Browser

this has been an absolutely crazy week.
  • on tuesday it rained 4.68 inches, i took finley to the doctor cause she had a rash (from a virus, no big deal), we looked at a house, we made an offer on that house
  • on wednesday it rained another inch, i studied for 6 straight hours in the library, our offer on the house was accepted (at 5,000 below list price)
  • on thursday Crystal had her first state evaluation and I had my first midterm exam, i made a pizza (actually rolled out the dough, poured the sauce, put on the cheese, cooked it up) for finley cause she wanted pizza. she ate three bites of it and then said it was yucky and demanded yogurt, i cooked catfish for Crystal and me, and it was so very good
  • today i had my second midterm exam, i have a review session for my next midterm exam (that's on monday), adelia is coming to town for the long weekend to visit, i have to go clean, i also need to go inform Appling Lakes Staff that we will be moving out

i've had some neat observations this week

  • one morning this week i put a pretty green shirt on Finn and i asked her, "what color is this shirt?" of course she said "pink!" no... "yellow?" no... i told her it was "mommy's favorite color! what's mommy's favorite color?" and she proudly exclaimed "CHOCOLATE!"
  • on thursday morning (the morning of her state evaluation), at 4:44 am crystal sat straight up in bed, grabbed my leg, and said "why are we just laying here?!?! shouldn't we be awake?" i told her we were laying there because we were sleeping. she has no memory of this.
  • there are the elephants upstairs. i didn't think it was possible, but they are even more nosiy than the last elephants! they don't come home until 10:30 at night, i think there are at least three kids, our walls literally rattle nonstop until around 12:30 am. i went upstairs and told them how thin the floors were, and how loud it was. it made no difference at all.
  • on wedneday morning there was a giant roach that had crawled into the measuring cup that i use to heat water to make coffee each morning. he couldn't get out. i hate bugs.
time to go to the review session. is it christmas yet?

Monday, October 6, 2008


this is a picture from our adventure a while back at the Mid-South Fair in midtown memphis. it's supposed to rain tomorrow. today was a long day. we went walking at Shelby Farms Park. we walked three miles. crystal's feet bled. we are going to be sore. but we are going to be healthy. finley growing up every day. i love my girls, i would lose my mind without them. i thought it was going to cool off here. maybe some fall weather was near. it got hot again. and it's not really supposed to cool off anytime soon. i should get back to studying. i had a hotpocket for lunch (it was a lean pocket actually, and it was whole grain).

Sunday, October 5, 2008

we watched smart people last night (and graded 7th grade english tests). it was really a good little movie. i think that it's movies like this one that have really influenced my photography. i love movies where the cinematography is so powerful; where a simple shot (and some good music) can evoke poignant emotions. anyway, we liked the movie, and now i'm sad that it is sunday afternoon and the weekend is almost over.

i eat altoids like candy. crystal told me that bad breath is a symptom of depression (that's what the commercials say), but i think i just have chronic halitosis. nobody likes a person with stinky breath.

did i mention that i miss the mountains?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

it's the weekend. i have no idea how it got here so fast, but i sure wish it would slow down now that it's here.

i love saturdays, family time, it's my sanity. it's so nice to have each other, and i wouldn't want to spend my time any other way.

next week starts my midterm exams in school. i can't wait for that to be over. also, breathing helium will kill you (if you breathe to much of it).

i'm going to lay on the couch with my love and watch a movie. :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

i miss east tennessee

this one's for edwin and cari

finley is growing up so quickly. it really does blow my mind.