Thursday, October 23, 2008


today was quite a rainy day. it was never a hard rain, just steady, and cold. it's supposed to be much cooler tomorrow. i don't know that fall is all here quite yet, but it is very nice to have this type of weather. i had some wonderful gumbo for lunch and then got a few shots in during the rest of my break between classes. memphis is indeed an interesting town. i see so many pictures that i would love to capture but i am honestly too afraid for my well-being. this week in school we have discussed arrhythmias, cialis, plan B emergency contraception, drug-reps, dead rotten cows, asthma, booze, high fructose corn syrup (responsible for diabetes, congestive heart failure, obesity, high blood pressure, depression, and death among other things), hump-back whales, infant mortality rates (memphis has the highest rate in the country. out of every 1,000 live births in memphis, 31 will die in their first year. that's worse than the country of Iran or Honduras or the Philippines or Vietnam or Russia or Kuwait or Cuba to name a few.) that is so sad. memphis is also number one in the country in obesity.

anyway... we will have a house in a week. so that's super neat!

1 comment:

Finleys Nana said...

I'm excited to come see you guys... can't wait to move all your stuff again... it's been so long...
really looking forward to the visit more then the but I'm so happy for you guys...