Monday, March 23, 2009

spring break is over and it's back to school. i was too sick to get out of bed though and had to go to the dr. today. hopefully i'll be over this cough soon. spring break was great. good times with friends and family. with a lot of help i was able to accomplish some fantastic tasks. the garage is now cleaned and organized, the yard is mown (mowed?), the backyard is raked, picked up, seeded, and has a swingset with enclosed mulching surrounding it. our house is clean and was sprayed for bugs today. i lost a few pounds and finally got my blood pressure down. i remember my dreams every night now. we took finley to the mall to have her pictures taken with the baby ducklings. she had a blast. and it was a lot of fun. now i'm headed to bed with the love of my life. my favorite part of spring break was getting to spend more time with crystal. can't get enough of that.

1 comment:

Finleys Nana said...

hope you feel better today.....