Wednesday, April 15, 2009

the recession on our street

the neighbors next door are really gone. no more vans stuck in the side yard. there's a padlock on the front door.
last week before we left to drive to indiana for easter, we saw the man that lives across the street loading pillows and junk into his car. he had all the car doors open and was cramming in as much as he could fit. we haven't seen him since that morning. today there were three women cleaning out the house. they had propped open his garage (which i have never before seen open). when one of the neighborhood boys went to ask if his friend could come out to play he was told, "they're not here, they probably won't be back for a long time. we've really got to get this place cleaned up." today was the first time i have ever seen the window blinds open.

happy tax day.

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